
Indexing Network

High performance indexing to power AI applications
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Trusted by leading web3 projects

Crypto Data, Smarter & Faster


Account-Centric Indexing

Multi-chain assets tracking
Smart contracts semantics resolution
Ready for user behavior based AI applications

Programmability enabled by UDFs


High throughput and low latency

Hemera Products Suite

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What Builders Say

James Semmonella
Head of BD,Caldera
At Caldera, our commitment lies in providing developers and users with top-notch tools that excel in performance while remaining cost-effective. When we discovered SocialScan and its reputation for delivering reliable blockchain explorers, it was a natural fit for us. We're thrilled to welcome them into our expanding rollup ecosystem.
Dorothy Liu
Head of BD,AltLayer
“AltLayer makes it a priority to provide its users with the best explorers that run optimally and are affordable. SocialScan's trustworthy, accurate birds-eye view of on-chain data was a great fit! We're thrilled to add them to our flourishing rollup ecosystem.“
Declan Fox
Product Lead,Linea
“The collaboration with SocialScan marks a milestone for Linea. We're not just upgrading; we're reinventing blockchain exploration. This partnership offers unprecedented scalability, stability, and availability. We're transforming the explorer into a vibrant community hub, setting a new standard for blockchain exploration.“
Arjun Kalsy
Head of Ecosystem,Mantle Network
“The transformation brought about by SocialScan is remarkable. Our blockchain exploration experience has significantly improved, and we can now offer our users a more reliable and enjoyable platform. This collaboration represents a successful milestone for Mantle Network.“
Jonathan Covey
Head of Community,ZetaChain
“Our partnership with SocialScan is crucial for ensuring the ecosystem can always access and depend on a scalable block explorer. Further, the SocialScan team is really innovating around the category of explorers itself – integrating all sorts of real time social and community data that so many web3 projects struggle to make sense of in one place.“
Safak Kayran
Head of BD,Manta Network
“The transformation brought about by SocialScan is remarkable. Our blockchain exploration experience has significantly improved, and we can now offer our users a more reliable and enjoyable platform. It marks a significant achievement for Manta Network.“
James Semmonella
Head of BD,Caldera
At Caldera, our commitment lies in providing developers and users with top-notch tools that excel in performance while remaining cost-effective. When we discovered SocialScan and its reputation for delivering reliable blockchain explorers, it was a natural fit for us. We're thrilled to welcome them into our expanding rollup ecosystem.
Dorothy Liu
Head of BD,AltLayer
“AltLayer makes it a priority to provide its users with the best explorers that run optimally and are affordable. SocialScan's trustworthy, accurate birds-eye view of on-chain data was a great fit! We're thrilled to add them to our flourishing rollup ecosystem.“
Declan Fox
Product Lead,Linea
“The collaboration with SocialScan marks a milestone for Linea. We're not just upgrading; we're reinventing blockchain exploration. This partnership offers unprecedented scalability, stability, and availability. We're transforming the explorer into a vibrant community hub, setting a new standard for blockchain exploration.“
Arjun Kalsy
Head of Ecosystem,Mantle Network
“The transformation brought about by SocialScan is remarkable. Our blockchain exploration experience has significantly improved, and we can now offer our users a more reliable and enjoyable platform. This collaboration represents a successful milestone for Mantle Network.“
Jonathan Covey
Head of Community,ZetaChain
“Our partnership with SocialScan is crucial for ensuring the ecosystem can always access and depend on a scalable block explorer. Further, the SocialScan team is really innovating around the category of explorers itself – integrating all sorts of real time social and community data that so many web3 projects struggle to make sense of in one place.“
Safak Kayran
Head of BD,Manta Network
“The transformation brought about by SocialScan is remarkable. Our blockchain exploration experience has significantly improved, and we can now offer our users a more reliable and enjoyable platform. It marks a significant achievement for Manta Network.“
James Semmonella
Head of BD,Caldera
At Caldera, our commitment lies in providing developers and users with top-notch tools that excel in performance while remaining cost-effective. When we discovered SocialScan and its reputation for delivering reliable blockchain explorers, it was a natural fit for us. We're thrilled to welcome them into our expanding rollup ecosystem.
Dorothy Liu
Head of BD,AltLayer
“AltLayer makes it a priority to provide its users with the best explorers that run optimally and are affordable. SocialScan's trustworthy, accurate birds-eye view of on-chain data was a great fit! We're thrilled to add them to our flourishing rollup ecosystem.“
Declan Fox
Product Lead,Linea
“The collaboration with SocialScan marks a milestone for Linea. We're not just upgrading; we're reinventing blockchain exploration. This partnership offers unprecedented scalability, stability, and availability. We're transforming the explorer into a vibrant community hub, setting a new standard for blockchain exploration.“
Arjun Kalsy
Head of Ecosystem,Mantle Network
“The transformation brought about by SocialScan is remarkable. Our blockchain exploration experience has significantly improved, and we can now offer our users a more reliable and enjoyable platform. This collaboration represents a successful milestone for Mantle Network.“
Jonathan Covey
Head of Community,ZetaChain
“Our partnership with SocialScan is crucial for ensuring the ecosystem can always access and depend on a scalable block explorer. Further, the SocialScan team is really innovating around the category of explorers itself – integrating all sorts of real time social and community data that so many web3 projects struggle to make sense of in one place.“
Safak Kayran
Head of BD,Manta Network
“The transformation brought about by SocialScan is remarkable. Our blockchain exploration experience has significantly improved, and we can now offer our users a more reliable and enjoyable platform. It marks a significant achievement for Manta Network.“
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